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Invitation for UIBE’s 3rd International Forum on Governmental Regulation and Governance (2017)

Globalization and reverse globalization pose unprecedented challenges to the international economic governance system. With the rapid development of globalization, economic policy and political change of an economy especially a developed country have great effect on international economic system and global value chain. Prosperity and development are accompanied by poverty, conflict, inequality of distribution and environmental degradation in the process of globalization, which results in reverse globalization. All of these bring huge challenges to governmental regulation and governance of the globe including China and therefore some feasible and efficient thought and solutions have to be proposed.

For this purpose, the 3rd International Forum on Governmental Regulation and Governance will be hosted by UIBE, co-organized by the School of Public Administration (SPA) on May 18th, 2017. Specialists and Scholars from government, universities and scientific research institutions will have a discussion on this theme which has great practical and theoretical significance. This symposium will contribute to exploring new ideas and building consensus. Meanwhile, by organizing this symposium, we devote to building high-level platform for academic exchange, strengthening the communication with other universities and people from all walks of life and promoting the rapid development of public administration discipline in UIBE.

We sincerely invite you to attend this forum and look forward to your visit!

Theme: Governmental Regulation and Governance Under Globalization and Reverse Globalization

Topic 1:Game and Equilibrium of Globalization and Reverse Globalization

Topic 2: Reconstruction of Global Economic Governance System and China’ Role

Topic 3: New Trend of FDI of multinational corporations in China and Adaptability of China’sInnovation-driven Development Strategy

Topic 4: Transformation of Governmental Functions and Positioning of Relationship Between Government and Business in the Process of China’s new round high-level development of opening economy

Date and Building: May 18, 2017

9:00-11:30 Keynote Speech (International Conference Hall, 3rd Floor in ChengXin Building, UIBE)

13:30-16:30 Round-table Discussion (Conference Room of the School Board, 5th Floor in KeYan Building, UIBE)

Contacts: Liu Min 01064493190  liangminliu@163.com



School of Public Administration of UIBE

                                                                                            April 20, 2017